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Assessed value and your property taxes

Assessed Value: This value is half of the fair market value of your property. This value changes each year based on the expected sale price of your property as determined by the assessor. The assessor studies groups of actual sales in neighborhoods, taking into consideration the description of your property (land value, building age and size, etc.), sales studies from Montcalm County, and State of Michigan guidelines.

In February  of each year, property owners receive a "Notice of Assessment", which states the new Taxable and Assessed Values for that year.

Taxable Value: This value is used to calculate your tax bill. Your tax bill is calculated by multiplying the Taxable Value and the millage rates (divided by 1000), plus a 1% administration fee.

This value increases each year by the inflation rate (as determined by the State Tax Commission), but not more than 5% and not higher than the Assessed Value. The value of new construction is also added. If a property is transferred to a new owner, the Taxable Value is 'uncapped' - made equal to the Assessed Value.

Property taxes.jpg
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Non-receipt of a tax bill does not waive tax, interest or penalties. 

Please contact the Treasurer's Office if you do not receive a Summer Bill in July or a Winter Bill in December. 

tax information

Notice of Property Assessment

Review this notice each spring!

If you don't understand or you disagree, please call the Assessor.

You may also schedule an appointment at the March hearings of the Board of Review.

At the hearing, the three community members who serve on this Board will listen to your evidence about your property value, and they may change the assessor's valuation.

tax bills

Paying Property Taxes via Mortgage Escrows:

If you pay your taxes via mortgage escrow, please note the watermark stating: "Do Not Pay, Informational Only." Mortgage escrows can include financing, refinancing,
or if you have recently paid off your existing mortgage loan. 

Tax Bills:

Summer tax bills are received and payable beginning in July; and Winter bills are received and payable from December through February.

Please be sure you review tax bills, as they contain a lot of information 

(due dates, office hours, holidays, payment options, return receipt options, etc.)


If you have any questions,

please do not hesitate to contact us.

All payments accepted ONLY as conditional payment until cleared through financial institution. 


Homeowner's Principal Residence Exemption (P.R.E.)


All homeowners, especially new ones, should check to make sure you are receiving the Homeowner's Principal Residence Exemption (PRE). In order to qualify for your tax exemption, you must be living in your house of the current tax year by June 1st. By receiving the Principal Residence Exemption, your tax bill should read:

P.R.E. %: 100.0000. 

**Read more about PRE here.

Applications for Deferment

Applications for deferment must be filed with the Treasurer's office prior to September 14. 

Deferment Qualifications are as follows:

Your gross household income for preceding year did not exceed $40,000 and...

  • You are a senior citizen (62 years old or older)

  • You are a paraplegic, quadriplegic

  • You are an Eligible Serviceperson, Eligible Veteran, Eligible Widow of Widower

  • You are a blind person

  • You are totally and permanently disabled

Agricultural deferments are also available for those who qualify

Tax Assistance

Delinquent properties enter into
forfeiture the following March
If you owe delinquent property taxes, 
please contact the County Treasurer.

Michigan Forestry Assistance Program

Includes identification of forest disease, advice on planting for reforestation, state and federal cost-share, Qualified Forest Fee program, and more! 

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