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The Planning Commission is an appointed body that reviews proposed development projects and makes recommendations to the township Board of Trustees. The commission meets quarterly or as needed.


All new projects in the township must undergo a thorough approval process. The commission has authority to grant final approval to projects and make recommendations to the township board. The approval process ensures that each project meets all local and state zoning regulations, and that the community receives the best development possible.

The commission can recommend approval of a project to the Board of Trustees, ask for revisions to be made, table any action on a project, or recommend denial of a project to the board. It is also responsible for final approval of and amendments to the township's Master Plan and Future Land Use Map.

Chair: Tyler Lecceadone: 616-821-1277
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Planning Committee Meetings
2024 Meetings
(monthly meetings scheduled, if nothing on the agenda, the meeting will be cancelled.) List of dates and posting notice deadlines for PC business.
2023 Meetings
2022 Meetings
2021 Meetings
2020 Meetings
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