Clerk's office
Monday - wed 9am-4 pm
Election & General Dropbox available in the front of the building.
2025 Election Dates
Nothing planned!

* in person at Montcalm County Clerk's office in Stanton
* or Secretary of State Office
** 0-14 days prior to Election see the Pierson Township Clerk to register.

Sara Burkholder, Clerk
Cell: 616-560-7927
Ginny Pennington,
Deputy Clerk
Ph: 616-636-8570
Fax: 616-636-4911
Mailing Address:
21156 Cannonsville rd
Pierson, MI 49339

Clerk Duties
Maintains custody of all township records
Maintains general ledger
Prepares warrants for township checks
Records and maintains township meeting minutes
Keeps the township book of oaths
Responsible for special meeting notices
Publishes board meeting minutes
Keeps voter registration file and conducts elections
Keeps township ordinance book
Prepares financial statements
Delivers tax certificates to Supervisor and County Clerk by September 30
Must appoint a deputy
Must post a surety bond
Want to check your voter registration status? Click on the state voter information page here: MVIC.
After selecting the county, information about the voting system in use is available including:
how to mark the ballot
a link to MVIC to view their sample ballot
how to use the voter assist terminal
how to use the tabulator