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Pierson Township


21156 W Cannonsville Rd, Pierson, MI 49339
Behind the Township Hall, just off the 131 North Exit.

Cemetery Administrator: 
Ginny Pennington,
Deputy Clerk

Cemetery Administration is available Mon - Wed  

9 am - 4 pm and by appointment.


Email is best outside of office hours and will be returned promptly. 

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Pierson Cemetery

Resident Tax Payer: 
$50.00 per grave

Non-Resident: $500.00 per grave
Grave Opening: $450.00 per grave
Cremation: $150.00

Winter Pricing begins December 15:
$750.00 for casket burial
$250 for cremains

Cemetery Burial Logs

Burial logs are in .PDF format for easier viewing, downloading, and printing. 

Cemetery Rules

  1. No glass containers are to be left in the cemetery.

  2. All planted flowers, pots, urns, or ornaments must be within 12" of headstone.

  3. No trees or shrubs shall be planted in any lot.

  4. All flowers, urns, pots must be removed wen they show deterioration.

  5. All refuse must be placed in trash bins.

  6. The Township has the authority to remove all unauthorized, faded, or damaged items from grave site.

  7. The Township is not responsible for items left in the cemetery.


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